Knowledge Share Video Series: Best Practices for Audit-Ready Applicant Data

Watch below: 8 minutes

If your hiring practices were audited, could you confidently interpret what your applicant data reveals? And most importantly, would you pass the audit? This video from our ongoing Knowledge Share series looks at why it’s crucial for an organization to review its hiring process, the data that it should evaluate to ensure compliance, and what it should do with the information obtained.

The OFCCP and the EEOC mandate that companies avoid discriminatory practices against protected classes and failure to comply can lead to serious consequences. Nonetheless, errors and omissions in applicant record-keeping are the top issues uncovered during OFCCP audits. This Knowledge Share video lays out the critical steps you must take to ensure your applicant data is fully audit-ready.

Check out the video below:

Key points covered in the video include:

  • Who is responsible for maintaining applicant data
  • The definition of an Internet Applicant
  • Best practices for dispositioning applicants
  • Some common errors to look out for
  • The importance of proactive adverse impact analysis
  • What to do when adverse impact is identified

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Discover how Affirmity’s experts can help you ensure your data is audit-ready—and how they’ll assist you when your organization appears on an OFCCP scheduling letter. Contact us using the form below for more information.